To receive financial aid, you must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. SAP measures a student's successful completion of coursework that is applied to an eligible degree-seeking program. Regulations require that all students who receive the benefit of Federal Title IV assistance must maintain SAP requirements.
At the end of each Spring semester, Lamar will evaluate the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving federal student aid.
For assistance setting up your Student Forms account, please visit THIS LINK. If you have already created your Student Forms account, please log in HERE and submit all documents regarding your SAP appeal.
To maintain eligibility for financial aid, you must meet the following minimum SAP standards at the time of evaluation:
Failure to maintain these standards will result in the suspension of your financial aid and the loss of your financial aid eligibility.
If your SAP appeal is denied, or if you are not eligible to appeal the suspension of your financial aid, you will be responsible for all costs associated with your enrollment. Student Aid will certify a private educational loan if you secure and are approved by a private lender. You may contact our office for more information.
Hazlewood SAP will be evaluated after each term concludes. Failure to maintain the following standards will result in the suspension of the Hazlewood exemption.
Re-Establishing Hazlewood Eligibility
If your hazlewood has been suspended it is possible to re-establish eligibility. To re-establish eligibility, you must:
A. Enroll in courses at your own expense in a subsequent term(s) until all standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress are met.
B. Have an approved appeal on file.
Appeal Process
If one of the following extenuating circumstances have prevented you from meeting the financial aid SAP standards, you may be eligible to appeal the suspension of your hazlewood exemption.
If none of the above-mentioned items have prevented you from meeting SAP, you are ineligible to appeal and your exemption will remain suspended until meeting the SAP standards for the benefit.
To complete a Hazlewood Appeal, visit